Noella is in the process of creating a production company focused on short films. She aims for the company to tell original and thought provoking narratives but  to also to be an experience for all involved. Smokey Bella Productions (SBP) will recruit recent college grads, as well as other inexperienced storytellers, in hopes of giving them a chance to expand their portfolios but also serve as an incubator for developing fresh talent. Although recent graduates will receive priority, she wants to give any new and inexperienced storytellers the opportunity to work with SBP as a way to gain more experience.

Smokey Bella Productions will bring on writers, directors, music composers, and producers to projects we take on. If you are interested in joining the Talent Roster, feel free to contact or use the form at the bottom of the page!

Contact Noella to get updates on Smokey Bella Productions.